
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=""][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]2023 marks 20 years of implementing the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), which was launched with the Maputo Declaration in 2003. With CAADP, African leaders committed to promoting agricultural growth as a key catalyst of broader economic development. After the first decade of CAADP implementation, characterized by strong agricultural and economic growth across the continent, the CAADP agenda was broadened under the 2014 Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods. The Malabo Declaration reaffirmed the commitments of African heads of state to the original CAADP targets of achieving a 6 percent agricultural growth rate and a 10 percent agricultural expenditure share, while adding further commitments to be achieved by 2025 in...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link="" el_width="60"][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 2022 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) examines policies to enhance the contribution of the agrifood processing sector to successful food systems transformation in Africa. The agrifood processing sector is expanding and increasing in importance as the role of processed food in diets grows. Increasingly, processing constitutes an essential link between producers and consumers and is a vital element for strategies to promote smallholder commercialization and rural development. The report uses available cross-country data and case studies from value chains throughout the continent to provide an overview of recent growth in the processing sector and the performance, structure, and major constraints of key processing subsectors. The report discusses the challenges that prevent small and informal agrifood processing firms...

Plenary Session I– Opening Session of the 2021 ReSAKSS Conference Overview of the 2021 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR)  by Dr. Éliane Ubalijoro, Sustainability &, Future Earth   Plenary Session II– Impacts of COVID-19 on African Economies Presentation 1–The Impact of COVID-19 on Agricultural Commodity Prices: Location Matters by Dr. Greenwell Matchaya,  ReSAKSS/IWMI Presentation 2–COVID-19 Induced Food Trade Disruptions and Poverty in Africa by Dr. Ismaël Fofana,  AKADEMIYA2063  Presentation 3–Assessing the Vulnerability of African Countries to COVID-19 by Dr. John Ulimwengu, ReSAKSS/ IFPRI   Plenary Session III– Responses of African Countries to COVID-19 and Social Protection Day 1 Recap and Day 2 Program by Ms. Tsitsi Makombe, AKADEMIYA2063 Presentation 1–Delivery of Social Protection Programs to Combat COVID-19 in Africa by Dr. Jan Duchoslav, IFPRI Presentation 2–Assessing African Economic Policy Responses Against COVID-19 by Dr....

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to health, economic and agrifood systems around the globe. In addition to the direct health effects of the pandemic and its cost in terms of human life, the crisis has caused serious disruptions to economies and food systems and has pushed millions of people into poverty and food insecurity. The 2021 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) focuses on building resilient African food systems after COVID-19. It examines emerging data on the impacts of COVID-19 on African economies and food systems, reviews the responses of African countries to the pandemic, and advances the discussion on methodologies to measure the impacts of and resilience to shocks. Although the report is centered around COVID-19, its...

Endorsed in 2003 by African heads of state and government, the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is a continentwide framework for accelerating growth and progress toward poverty reduction and food and nutrition security through an agriculture-led growth strategy. Beginning in 2006, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) hosted and incubated three programs that provide policy research and capacity strengthening support to guide the planning and implementation of CAADP. The three programs migrated to AKADEMIYA2063 in July 2020. They are: (1) the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS), (2) the African Growth and Development Policy (AGRODEP) Modeling Consortium, and (3) the Malabo Montpellier Panel (MaMo Panel)....

Plenary Sessions I & II Overview of the 2020 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) by Danielle Resnick, IFPRI The Past, Present, and Future of Agriculture Policy in Africa by Ousmane Badiane, AKADEMIYA2063 Mutual Accountability in African Agricultural Transformation by John Ulimwengu,  Africa Region, IFPRI Aligning Macroeconomic Policies for Agricultural Transformation in Africa" by Abebe Shimeles, AERC   Plenary Sessions III & IV Policies for Competitive and Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems: A Case Study of Ghana’s Recent Mechanization Interventions by Hiro Takeshima, IFPRI Irrigation to Transform​ Agriculture and Food Systems​ in Africa South of the Sahara​ by Claudia Ringler, IFPRI Fertilizer policies and Implications for African Agriculture: A Review by Gashaw T. Abate​, IFPRI Presentation on Seed policies and regulatory reforms​ by David J Spielman, IFPRI Policy Responses to Rapidly Transforming...

The African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the Malabo Declaration have called for the rapid transformation of Africa’s agrifood system. This ambitious agrifood system transformation agenda involves reconciling trade-offs across poverty reduction, food security, nutrition, and environmental goals.  The ReSAKSS 2020 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) focuses on the policies required to transform African agrifood systems to meet their potential. Chapters provide (1) an in-depth review of the evolution of agricultural sector policies over the last five decades; (2) a systematic analysis of traditional input constraints on agricultural productivity; (3) a discussion of policies needed to bolster competitiveness along value chains; and of (4) institutional and political economy factors that shape the broader enabling environment needed for agrifood system transformation....

The African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) have adopted both a mutual accountability framework, which sets out principles for mutual review, and a results framework, intended to guide the tracking of performance indicators for the next decade of CAADP. They have designated ReSAKSS as the primary knowledge and support platform for reviewing, benchmarking, and learning from ongoing progress in implementing the CAADP agenda. Integral to its mandate, ReSAKSS supports efforts to introduce or strengthen agricultural joint sector review (JSR) practices and provides technical support to the CAADP Biennial Review (BR) process. ...

With an eye to building institutional and technical capacity, ReSAKSS works with the CAADP teams to set up or strengthen country Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support Systems (country SAKSS) rooted in the existing local capacities and infrastructure. The country SAKSS is a critical instrument for supporting the review of and dialogue on CAADP implementation at the country level....

ReSAKSS helps to inform the CAADP implementation process through its flagship Annual Trends and Outlook Reports (ATORs). The Africawide ATOR, which serves as the official CAADP M&E report, tracks progress on over 30 key CAADP indicators and is formally launched at the ReSAKSS Annual Conference. ReSAKSS nodes also prepare regional versions of the ATOR for their specific regions and assist a growing number of countries with operational SAKSS platforms to publish country level ATORs....